January 31, 2008

silly lovers

It was a lavish green field just close to the heart of the city. And that made it a rather popular place for the young and the old. The wise and the foolish. The lovers and the loners.

"You know Jason, they say every love has some silliness in it. Do you believe that's true ?"
"Well, I guess so Karen. Does it matter ?"
"Well no, not really."

"Jason, what are you thinking ?"
"I am just looking at those stars."
"Where ?"
"Over there, follow the tip of my finger there. You see ?"
"What do they look like ?"
"To me, they seem like wings. Like those of an angel. Do you see them now ?"
"Yeah, I think I do. They look pretty."

"You know Karen"
"What ?"
"It takes two really silly people to see stars in the sky at this time of the day."
"I know Jason, I know"

A rather popular place for the young and the old. The wise and the foolish. The lovers and the loners.

January 29, 2008

Overworked !!

Seriously, 3 projects going on in parallel, reports to write, experiments to run. Wow, lots to do. Fortunately, there's no lack of time.
Updates: just bought a 2nd hand TV yesterday and now we plan on getting an Xbox :D
I mean, what else would you use the TV for right ?

Need to see a movie today. Have to a pizza to go with it so that should be fun :)

Adios people.
Blogging should be on for a while.

January 25, 2008

It's all in the mind !!

We see the world not through our eyes, but through our thoughts.
Something could seem like the ugliest creation on earth to someone and for someone else, it could mean the whole world.
We are our desires, said Sigmund Freud. What I perceive it is this: we see things as we want to see them, not as they are. That's why a movie might be a waste of time to someone whereas for someone else, it might have moved him to tears.

Hence I say, it's all in the mind. Sadly, that's the bare truth. We are greedy. Let's embrace that greed. It's this greed that makes us all so different. That gives us our individuality. That makes me 'I'. The world would be a horrid place if everyone was alike and thought alike.
We are all different, and we think different. That's what was meant to be. Everything is as you see it. That's all there is.

It's rightly said, we are the choices we make.
When we know we are good, we feel invincible. Whatever comes upon us, the fact that we have no guilt makes it all good. Had we done the slightest of sin, we would feel the burden of it in times of crisis. Everything adds up eventually. Everything comes back. All that we do, remains. And it haunts us.
To live is to make peace with what we have done and what has happened with us. It's give and take. To sin and to forgive are the two things in life that balance everything out.

We are what we are. We make ourselves what we are. It's all in the mind.
You'll hear more from me soon.
Adios :)

To somu, rohit, chaubeji, neerav and everyone else, thanks for being there.